
Wonders are one of the most exciting aspects of the Castles NFT economy, they:

  • Allow players to have a stake earning from the public uses of the in-game economy

  • Are some of the most exciting limited-time crafting events

Players can craft Wonder bounties for a limited time and earn utility rewards from their global use by players. An example, the “Royal Courthouse Wonder” was one of our first wonders, 50% of all royal seal purchases in Wax go to Metasource Games development and the other 50% of Wax will go to users holding bounties (which they craft during a limited time event). Wonder bounties do not expire and continue to give monthly rewards in perpetuity.

Another example of a future Wonder is the Explorer's Guild which will be part of crafting new lands manually using fine wood and seals as an ingredient. Manual land minting will be a public utility, meaning anyone can do it as long as they have the crafting ingredients. The Explorer's guild will also be part of our Land Rush event getting us to 500k farms minted with exciting rewards!


Craft Dates

Bounty Reward

Wonder 1

Royal Courthouse

May 3 2022 (Completed)

Rewards 50% of the Wax income from royal seal purchases. Additional rewards monthly determined by developers.

Wonder 2

Explorer's Guild

May 24 2022 (Completed)

Rewards holder with runesource tokens per an Explorer or Seafarer pack crafted globally by players. Airdropped daily.

Wonder 3

Blacksmith's Guild

August 2022 (Completed)

Each bounty can be staked and grants the user 1 "crafting slot" per bounty. There are two types of crafting slots. 1) Low Bounties - Convert 3 common hero equipment to a random uncommon. 2) High bounty - convert 3 uncommon hero equipment to a rare.

Wonders are game assets and not sold as financial products.

Last updated